වසර 100ක් පැරණි මහජන සෞඛ්‍ය පරීක්ෂක ඉතිහාසය (History of Public health inspectors)

The Public Health  Inspector is a vital member of the community health system. With
the  inauguration  of  the  Sanitary  Branch  of  the  Medical  Department  in  1913,  six 
Sanitary  Inspectors were appointed after a short period of training for six months at 
the Ceylon Medical College.   Since  then  recruitment of Sanitary  Inspectors was a 
regular feature.  Following the devastation caused by  the massive malaria epidemic 
in  the country  in 1934/35,  the Malaria Control and  Health Scheme commenced  in 
1937.   Under  this scheme  the designation was changed as Sanitary  Assistants, at 
first, but was changed back again as Sanitary  Inspectors. There present designation 
as  Public  Health  inspectors  took  effect  from  1st of  July  1954,  following  the 
recommendations contained in the report by Dr. Cumpston. 

A landmark in the development of public health in Sri Lanka was the establishment of 
the Health Unit system in 1926. During the formative years of the Health Unit system, 
attention was mainly on  the control  of communicable diseases, and Environmental 
Sanitation and  the Public Health  Inspector played a  key  role  in  the  delivery of  the 
necessary services.  

The  importance  of  the  duties  of  the  Public  Health  inspector,  who  is  a  crucially 
important member of the Health Team in the Health unit, has increased even more, 
with the introduction of the Primary Health Care system which forms the basis of the 
delivery  of  community  health  care  in  Sri  Lanka.    In  keeping  with  the  different 
components of  the PHC system, and also  in keeping with  the advances  the public 
health  delivery  system  has  undergone  in  the  past  decades,  there  have  been  very 
significant changes in the duties and responsibilities of a Public Health inspector.