ඩෙගු මඬින්නට මහජන සෞඛ්‍ය පරීක්ෂක මහත්මයකුගෙන් වටිනා උත්සාහයක් (Mosquito Larvie Trap)

The new inventer Public Health Inaspector Sisira Bandara Introducing mosquito Larvie Traps.This is a more eficiency and good solution for Dengue And Other Mosquito Borne Disieses

1 comment:

  1. Good work in deed. I read an article on Lankadeepa and tried to find out more info on this person. But as always, the same thing is happening to inventors or with people with good thinking. I don't think we can eradicate any diseases until the Minister is clean and related companies are there. Don't give up...
